Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Octoberfest at Lake Geneva/Williams Bay - Bonfire Photos - Photo of Lakefront Brewery Octoberfest Beer in front of a bonfire

Over the last weekend the band and friends gathered for an "Octoberfest" party at M2's in Williams Bay next to Lake Geneva. We had a bonfire, V's superb chilli, B's delicious and toasty hot wings, other goodies (V's brownies...mmmm...mmmm...mmmm), much beer, and excellent conversation. We also had a drum circle (recordings will be posted soon), peanuts thrown at us by V, and spooky talk of occult happenings. A delightful time indeed... Be sure to check out M2's pics of throwing fuel on the fire. And here's some other pics:

bonfire at oktoberfest in Lake Geneva - Bonfire Oktoberfest Lake Geneva - featuring M2's drum and hat

bonfire at oktoberfest in Lake Geneva - soul-amp.comBonfire Oktoberfest Lake Geneva

bonfire at oktoberfest in Lake Geneva - melting beer bottle - soul-amp.comBonfire Oktoberfest Lake Geneva - melting beer bottle for art sake

LakeFront Brewery Ocktoberfest beet at oktoberfest in Lake Geneva - bonfire in background -

Lakefront Brewery - Ocktoberfest Beer - yummmy - bonfire in background

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